Posted by : Otaku Gang
Let us begin by making the shape of the head, then sketch in the facial guidelines. You will then draw in the body, then the limb lines.STEP 2.
Using the circle that you made in step one, sketch out the face, then draw the sharp bangs as well as some of the hair length on the sides of her face. Also, draw in her small chibi hand touching her face.STEP 3.
Make the eyes by starting with very straight, stiff eyelid lines. Draw out her mouth, then sketch in the blush marks on her cheeks. Draw in the cute headband or ribbon which is tied off to the side slightly behind her ear. Add the bow, then draw in the eyebrows, and ear bump.STEP 4.
Continue to work on getting her hair all drawn out. When that is done you can begin drawing the shoulders and sleeves for her baggy sweater that she wears. Draw in the other small hand, then add some minor definition.STEP 5.
Like her normal self, she still wears her sailor uniform. Draw in the bow as well as the bell shape for her torso. Add the band marks around the cuffs of her shirt like you see here.STEP 6.
Almost done guys. Draw in her ruffled skirt, then add the pleats to the skirt. Draw in her cute small chibi legs and shoes, followed by her socks.STEP 7.
Finish her off by drawing the length of her hair which is right at the same level of her feet. Erase the mistakes you may have made, then you're done.STEP 8.
Here is what your version of chibi Konata Izumi looks like when you are finished. Color her in so she comes to life.
Good Luck With your Draw!!
<3 <3
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